This is a one picture post! I snapped this one quickly with my phone last Wednesday.

I have been wearing these for the past week on my vacation. This picture was taken right after I applied them. They suffered great abuse from sand, sun, salt water, and chlorine, but honestly looked pretty darn good even after a week!
10 dizzy comments:
awesome!! I want to try some of either brand
I have got same on ma nails :D Sephora :)
Ooo I still need to try the Sephora ones!
Great mani!
I love this pattern!
WOW! These are stunning! You've applied them very well.
they came out great! most of the patches i've seen swatched always look a bit dodgy. are they dear to buy?
These look so perfect! :D Vey nice design
I follow your blog now for a pretty long time and maybe you followed mine on Melaniesnailpolish (The Color Palette), but I moved to a new blog that fits my ideas. Maybe you would like to take a look at
Maybe I see you there :)
Musical.x - I think they are either 12 or 14 per set. It is definitely a splurge, but they do look amazing and last so long. :)
Melanie - thank you! I'll be sure to check it out.
Great transfer, that's a fun print!
ooh that's so pretty, I got a similar colour from GOSH, not quite as nice as this though!
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