
Are you dizzy with excitement about nail polish?


 Hello, lovely friends!  Sorry I have not posted since Wednesday.  
 This is another super beautiful super special polish from the up-and-coming Contrary Polish.  I recently received it as a generous gift from the creator.  <3
 This is two easy coats of Inky Fingers (no top coat).  It's a stunning deep, vampy, grapey sort of blurple with amazing greeny-blue magical shimmer.
 I adore this!  Pardon my sloppy application here.
 I also received OPI Merryberry Mauve glitter top coat as a gift, as well!  I am so lucky!  I thought it would be fun to try it over Inky Fingers.  I used just one coat.
 Look how pretty they are together!  The little glitters did kill most of the shimmer, but I think it's a really nice combination nonetheless.
Thank you so much to the very kind person who sent these to me!  I will keep you all posted as to when Contrary Polish becomes available for sale.

5 dizzy comments:

That is one pretty purple! The glitter looks perfect on top of it.

i love this purple!!! So moody! Nice top coat

These are gorgeous together!

It's a beautiful purple and looks even more awesome with the glitter, great combo :)

SUPER pretty! LOVE IT!!!!

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I love color, beauty, creativity, animals, and being care-free. I'm not care-free, in reality, but would like to think it's an attainable state of being! I do like to bend the rules when it serves a greater purpose and I'm all about being authentic. Here I am, take me or leave me! I suppose I'd call myself a sensitive soul. I think I feel things more deeply and ponder things more thoroughly than your average bear.


Dizzy Peeps