Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Some Holiday Cheer

 Here are a couple of Holiday manis I've worn recently.  I've been in the mood for Christmas colors!
 This is two coats of Rainbow Honey Annual Emotion.  I used a coat of Lynnderella Happy Holo-Daze! for the accent.  Pardon my application because I didn't clean up one bit and I did this very late at night.  I also skipped my base coat - I can't remember the last time I've done that.
 Next is three fingers of Zoya Logan!  I snapped these pictures right as I was taking it off to change it.  I had already removed my pinky finger.  :)
 This was two coats of Logan.  It's very similar to Ivanka, but a deeper green and definitely feels more like Christmas to me.
Both of these manis only lasted a day for me but they were fun and pretty while I wore them.


  1. Great manis, I'm wearing logan right now!

  2. Love both of these! I've seen so many posts on Logan and it never gets old - love that color! :)


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