
Are you dizzy with excitement about nail polish?


 My swell husband helped me to get the new Lynnderella Holiday collection.  Isn't he great?!  This is my first mani using one of those fine, fine polishes.  I chose The Present is a Gift for my first one.  :)
 Here are two pictures of the underwear I used - a StrangeBeautiful from the Dickensian volume.  I used two coats.  It was thick, but good.  I like that the color has a delicate silver shimmer.
 The tall and skinny StrangeBeautifuls need to be used with care, I find, or else you can easily knock them over whilst painting your nails!
 Okay, back to pretty, fancy, glittah pictures!  These glitters are just magical.
 I used one coat of The Present is a Gift, doing a combination of painting and then dabbing movements.  The glitters gave me no trouble at all during application.
 I smoothed it out and finished with a coat of Gelous, a coat of Sephora X top coat, and finally a coat of Seche Vite.  My favorite spot on this mani is where the two black diamonds almost meet on my ring finger.  :)
I have a few tiny bubbles near the end of my middle finger, mainly, but I think I'm making progress or something because I just didn't care (well, after the initial moment of horror)!  Also, it helps that you really cannot see them in person.  I've had this mani on for three days now, and will be changing it today because of some tip wear and a small chip.

5 dizzy comments:

Beautiful!! I think I need this one, and a bunch of her other Christmas ones! Boo for my wallet!

I love this! I'm wearing Candy Wrapper from the holiday collection.

Oh no, another one I'm now checking out for the old Lynn wishlist! Gorgeous combo :)

so pretty!

Wow!!! This mani is so pretty. Love the color and the glitters on it. This is perfect for everyday wear or any occasion. Gotta try this one...

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This Is Me!

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I love color, beauty, creativity, animals, and being care-free. I'm not care-free, in reality, but would like to think it's an attainable state of being! I do like to bend the rules when it serves a greater purpose and I'm all about being authentic. Here I am, take me or leave me! I suppose I'd call myself a sensitive soul. I think I feel things more deeply and ponder things more thoroughly than your average bear.


Dizzy Peeps