
Are you dizzy with excitement about nail polish?


 I have two of the new Rainbow Honeys to show you!  I managed to use them both in this cute Valentine's inspired look.  XOXO is the bottle you see here - red, pink, gold, holo, and all sorts of iridescent shimmery goodness!
 I used one coat of XOXO over top of OPI Funkey Dunkey (two coats).  I adore XOXO as an easy and beautiful glitter topper.
 For my accent fingers I used two coats of Rainbow Honey Sweet Talk.  It's a soft white creme with pink, green, and purple glitters.  It has a touch of nearly hidden shimmer, as well -  best I can tell it's kind of pinky-peach.
 Application on Sweet Talk was relatively easy, you just have to be moderately careful and slow, making sure not to have too much on the brush.  I should have waited longer between coats since I have a few tiny bubbles.
 I used a coat of Gelous over top of every nail, just to be sure everything was perfectly smooth, then finished with Crystal top coat (Starlight and Sparkles).  I have some tip wear after three days, but all in all, it's still looking really cute!
Bonus picture of my first mani with XOXO!  I used three coats of Orly Prelude to a Kiss underneath.  I really love how fresh and fun it is.  I would definitely recommend that combo!
There is another polish from the Sweet Talk collection, a pink called Be Mine that I do not yet own.  Here are promotional pictures provided by Rainbow Honey that include it (on the left).
Rainbow Honey is giving you a $5 off code to use on the new collection or any polishes you'd like from them!  The Sweet Talk collection is available via private sale right now on fab.com and will release officially at Rainbow Honey's site on January 25 at 12:01 AM EST.  Use code SWEETTALK$5 (this code expires on 2/28).

Thank you so much to Rainbow Honey for providing me with the beautiful XOXO and Sweet Talk for review!  Well done!  I really love these polishes, and I'm not just saying that.  :)

1 dizzy comments:

OMG!!! These nail colors are all so pretty. Love the colors and the glitters! Great choices of color. Love it! Perfect for any occasion.

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I love color, beauty, creativity, animals, and being care-free. I'm not care-free, in reality, but would like to think it's an attainable state of being! I do like to bend the rules when it serves a greater purpose and I'm all about being authentic. Here I am, take me or leave me! I suppose I'd call myself a sensitive soul. I think I feel things more deeply and ponder things more thoroughly than your average bear.


Dizzy Peeps