
Are you dizzy with excitement about nail polish?


 This was a blue on blue glitter-groovy mani!  I used a dusty blue StrangeBeautiful for my base color (two coats).  It seems to me to look close to Illamasqua Force.  I don't think I've worn Force yet...but then again, my bottle has drastically changed colors since I bought it.  Weird.
 I used a coat of Shimmer Polish in Jenny over top, then followed with Gelous and Sephora X top coat.
 I loved this mani.  It was one of those where the more you look at it, up close, the better it gets!
 Shimmer Polish makes some super beautiful blends, I must say.  Love!
I had ordered this a while back from the Shimmer Polish Etsy store here.  And yes, I have many more, still, untried!


 Sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle!!!!!  Let me count the ways I love this!  This is pretty much the hottest hawtness evar.
 I used a coat of black (honestly, I can't recall if it was Finger Paints or Cult Nails) followed by a coat of Lynnderella Thank Blue, Too!  I finished with two coats of Gelous and a coat of Sephora X top coat.
 I wore this for about three or four days and they were some happy pretty nail days, I tell you!
I think I can die happy now.  All is well.  Oh!  But, if I die now - or even soon-ish - can someone please make sure I have my nails done up just like this?!  :)  Thanks.


 This mani started with two coats of a Dose plummy polish.  It's a wee tiny little bottle.  It came with two other polishes in similar tones.
 Application on the Dose polish was easy enough, despite the very small brush.  I would have gone for a third coat had I not been planning to slap glitter over top.  Two was fine for this look, though.
 I added a coat of Lynnderella Elf Assured, then followed with Gelous and Sephora X top coat.  Elf Assured has really pretty delicate, icy shimmers (you can see them better in some of my pics, but not as well in others).  Application was pretty easy and I used a combination of painting and dabbing motions, which is my standard now with Lynnderella glitters.
 I really enjoyed this combination and it wore for about three days, if I'm remembering right.
Here you can see just how tiny the Dose bottle is!  I think these would be great for travelling purposes.


 This is three coats of Lippmann Sugar Shack.  I recently got the three piece holiday set at Bloomingdales.  They had plenty of them, still!
 Call me a sucker for shimmery, duochromey, glass flecked polishes.  The formula is always tricky for me - but I think I've finally mastered it.  I just have to go very slow and wait in between coats.  This prevents bubbles for me, which I find particularly troublesome with this type of finish.
 I really love the blue shimmer!  I used Sephora X base and top coats here, which gave me a good three days of wear (better than what I normally get with Lippmanns).
I do wish the formula was more pigmented on this, but again, it seems to go part and parcel with this type of polish finish.  They just are kinda sheer.  Three careful coats did the trick, though, so really, I can't complain.

This Is Me!

My photo
I love color, beauty, creativity, animals, and being care-free. I'm not care-free, in reality, but would like to think it's an attainable state of being! I do like to bend the rules when it serves a greater purpose and I'm all about being authentic. Here I am, take me or leave me! I suppose I'd call myself a sensitive soul. I think I feel things more deeply and ponder things more thoroughly than your average bear.


Dizzy Peeps