Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Rainbow Honey: The Robot Collection

 The Robots have arrived!!  This is going to be a huuuge post with a zillion pictures.  Just sayin'.  And check out the cute new 4ml bottles!
 Ready or not, here we go!  These are all swatches I did using just base coat and one coat of polish.  I did not use any clean up (forgive me!).  If I was going to wear any of these for a mani, I'd probably opt for a second coat of polish, just because.  You could get away with only one coat if you were careful to avoid streaks.
 The formula on all of the foils was easy to work with.  I did notice that they can get brush-strokey - so just keep that in mind.  Dry time was good.
 I haven't worn any as manis, yet, so I cannot comment on wear time.
 One of my brushes had a few stray "hairs" that I decided to trim, otherwise, all brushes were perfect.
 Femme Bot is described as a "sparkling metallic peony."
 Now that I've rambled on about the important things, I'm going to leave you (mostly) to enjoy the pictures!  I hope you like them.
 Dusty Bot is described as a "sparkling metallic lavender."
 You can see that I struggled with brush strokes a little bit on this one.  LOVE the color.

 Skyward Bot is described as a "sparkling metallic cerulean."

 I've been craving a foily metallic blue lately, so this one fits the bill quite nicely!

 Bitty Love Bot is described as a "sparkling metallic aqua."
 This one surprised me by being my favorite of the bunch.  Maybe I just like how it looks against my skin.  Super pretty color!

 Lucky Bot is described as a "sparkling metallic agave."
 Please pardon the little hiccup on my ring finger.  It might have been a bubble.  I'm not sure.

 Yoshimi is described as "a truly mod black & white combination of glitters sprinkled with a bit of iridescence."  It would be a great topper on any of these polishes and I'm sure plenty of others!
 I used about a coat of it here.  I did go back over a few spots on my index and middle fingers - so those two fingers had more like a coat and a half each.
 Also, my coat may have been too thick on my ring finger since I think I see some bubbles.
 I think this is a really chic combination here, but I'm also pondering that I might like Yoshimi even more over a creme or shimmer finish.  I tend not to love glitters over top of very metallic polishes.
 Overall, I really enjoy The Robot Collection by Rainbow Honey!  While it's not a super unique collection in terms of colors or finish, I find it to be fresh, girly, fun, and well made.  They really are lovely colors for Spring!
The Robot Collection will be available on rainbowhoney.com and with participating retail partners on April 5th!  You can get it with full-sized 15ml bottles or the new 4ml bottles.

This collection was graciously provided to me for review purposes by Rainbow Honey, to whom I am extremely grateful and honored.  What you read here was my honest opinion...blah blah blah.  :)


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